Zamojski dwór Marii Kazimiery d’Arquien w latach 1658–1665. Uwagi wstępne nad jego organizacją, funkcją i znaczeniem

Jarosław Pietrzak


This study is concerned with preliminary presentation about the organization of thecourt of Marie Casimire d’Arquien, wife of voievod of Sandomierz – Jan Zamoyski, called „Sobiepan” between 1658–1665. The article touched on topics related to personal details and  functions performed by officials and officers. Issues related to the clerical and administrative level, officials, who performed their functions in an ad hoc manner and the existence and organizationof the women’s court, were discussed. The main emphasis was put on issues of remuneration andfurther careers of courtiers and their attitude towards their lord. Problems, connected to clientand patron relations, were also examined.

The research showed a weak relationship between the wife of the ordinate and officials who werefully subservient to Zamoyski’s will. Their full devotion and dependence on landings and salary payments meant, that Maria Kazimiera often fell into conflict with her subordinates. As a foreigner, she did not understand the relationship – specific to Polish political culture –betweenthe patron and his clients.

Słowa kluczowe

magnateria, ordynacja, Zamoyscy, dwór kobiecy, klientelizm

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