Algorithmisation as mathematical activity and skills in connection with mathematical modelling

Anna Pyzara


Good preparation of students to the profession of teacher is very important. In my research I focus on improving the quality of teacher's preparation at the university level, and through it at school level in the future. I present the proposal of teaching mathematics with the use of algorithmisation. It is possible, because solutions to many mathematical problems can be expressed in the form of an algorithm. The process of algorithmisation of mathematical issues is associated with various types of mathematical activities. Therefore algorithmisation of mathematical problems forces the students to perform various mathematical activities. This proposition deals with the problem of algorithmic computation of purely mathematical problems as well as those which deal with the problems of applying mathematics in everyday life. I consider algorithmisation as one of the forms of creating a mathematical model of a situation known from real world. Such interdisciplinary approach to teaching helps in developing students' skills better.


algorithmisation, mathematical modelling, quality of teaching, education


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e-ISSN: 2450-341X, ISSN: 2080-9751

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