Czy kompetencja arytmetyczna jest uwarunkowana kulturowo?

Wojciech Krysztofiak


The purpose of this essay is not to answer the question posed in the title, but to specify the ''preconditions'' for the defense of two opposing stances: mathematical culturalism and mathematical anticulturalism. The names of these stances are not present in the source literature. Introducing them to the debate on the nature of the relationship between expert mathematical knowledge and its folk counterpart is justified, because the dispute concerns i.a. the cultural status of mathematical discourse - especially due to the fact that the acceptance of one of the stances results in rejecting various models of teaching arithmetic in school, considering them incompatible with the stance taken in the dispute. The presented essay does not, however, focus on the strategies, methods, or transfer & teaching techniques concerning mathematics in public education systems.


numeracy, culturalism in mathematics, anti-culturalism in mathematics, cognitive science


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e-ISSN: 2450-341X, ISSN: 2080-9751

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